Combatting Gym Noise with Duraflex Flooring: A Solution for Businesses

Recently, an article highlighted tenants who were forced to vacate their building due to excessive noise from a nearby bodybuilding gym. The main issue stemmed from the loud impacts of weights being dropped, which disrupted the tenants’ interactions with their clients. Interestingly, this occurred in a single-story building, where noise and vibrations from the gym traveled through the slab floor into adjoining offices.

This scenario was surprising to many, but it clearly demonstrates how vibrations and noise can easily propagate through concrete, particularly when heavy weights are involved.

It’s unfortunate that the gym owner hadn’t considered a more effective solution, like our Duraflex flooring. At 1 1/4 inches thick and constructed with raised pedestals, Duraflex significantly reduces the transmission of shock and noise. In most installations, the shock doesn’t even reach the slab.

For example, our Duraflex installation at a hotel in Iowa City was recently featured in Athletic Business. The hotel had a weight room located above one of its restaurants, where noise had been a constant issue. With Duraflex flooring, the noise disturbances were effectively eliminated.

If your business is struggling with issues related to vibrations and noise from free weights, contact us. We can help devise a solution that ensures peace and quiet, preserving the integrity of your business environment.