Gym Floors: Finding the Right Material

Investing in or refurbishing an athletic facilities gym floors, courts, or other surfaces is no small task and deserves some serious consideration. Below we help outline some of our learnings from over 50 years in the industry and walk through questions you can ask yourself to help you narrow down the best options for your facilities needs.

Wooden Maple basketball court versus Polyurethane Gym Floors

Choosing the Right Material for Your Gym or Athletic Facility

When it comes to deciding which gym floor to use for your athletic facility it is crucial, not just for aesthetics, but also for performance and safety. Whether you’re installing a new basketball court or outfitting a full-scale gym or renovating an existing facility, the choices you make can impact everything from the bounce of a ball to the joints of an athlete. Here’s a guide on what to consider when choosing gym floors:

1. Determine Your Flooring Needs

Firstly, identify the primary use of your facility. Will it host a basketball court, multiple sports courts, or perhaps a general area with gym equipment? Different activities demand different types of surfaces. 

For instance, the best gym flooring for basketball courts require a surface that provides excellent traction and appropriate bounce, in aerobics, are you planning on doing a lot of high impact, like Zumba or similar group fitness classes, or is it all low impact senior classes.  High impact classes require more shock absorption, so we recommend using an underlayment system that is much more resilient than we would if there are no high impact classes.  

Best gym floors for weights?

With weights, for most areas in selectorized machines and light weights, 3/8” rubber is fine.  But if you have an area where people are regularly lifting 200 lbs or more, you’re going to need a thicker rubber there to keep from damaging your weights and/or subfloors.  

Multi-use sport court flooring

Even with court sports, especially in schools or religious facilities, you have to take into account whether there will also be meetings or fellowship dinners in the space to be able to recommend the right kind of surface.

The choice of material is pivotal in the decision-making process. Hardwood is the traditional choice for basketball courts due to its durability and performance characteristics.

Wood gym floors should easily last one lifetime, some even up to 100 years.

How long does a wood gym floor or basketball court last?

We always say a wood gym floor will last at least a lifetime, some even up to 100 years. It provides a smooth, consistent surface that is ideal for bouncing a basketball and can be refinished multiple times to look like new and will eventually be required on all wood gym floors to keep in good shape. 

Here are a few of our favorite options.

2. Material Matters

The best way to ensure you get the best use out of whatever flooring option you choose is to ensure you pick the best material to work across what ever you’ll be exposing the surface to. With over 10,000+ projects completed across the country Fitness Floors has unparalleled expertise in helping you pick the right material, at the right price, for the best use.

Best Wood Floor Alternatives for Gyms and Courts?

Flecks Rubber Gym Flooring freshly installed

Rubber floors are an excellent option for general gym areas, especially those that will house weightlifting equipment or high-impact exercise classes. Looking to create your ideal home gym? Here’s a great run down on options for home gym flooring. Flecks rubber gym flooring is what we have found to be the easiest to install and the most popular.

Rubber is resilient, provides good traction, and is also sound-absorbent, which is a significant benefit in a heavily trafficked gym area. Rubber floors typically last 20-25 years but we strongly recommend avoiding hex head weights – we have seen these chew and ruin new rubber flooring within one year. We’ve written a whole blog on just these – Who thought hex head weights were a good idea? (Not us).

3. Safety and Comfort

Safety should always be at the front of your mind when considering which flooring options will work best for your athletic or church facility. Flooring that enhances performance should also prevent injuries. Sports courts need to have shock-absorbing qualities to protect athletes’ joints and muscles during vigorous activities. Rubber floors are particularly known for their safety features, including reducing the risk of slips and falls, making them a suitable option for both high-intensity workouts and areas frequented by children and older adults. 

4. Maintenance and Durability: Sports Courts Vary

Consider the longevity of the flooring and its maintenance needs. Hardwood floors, while durable, require regular refinishing and can be susceptible to moisture damage if not properly cared for. Rubber floors, in contrast, are highly durable and easier to maintain. They resist water, dust, and are simple to clean, which makes them an economical choice for high-traffic areas. Ask yourself, what other activities will be happening in this space besides athletic ones? As mentioned earlier, if you will be having regularly social gatherings, large groups of people, etc., on the surface as well we can guide you through what options are best to get the most use and lifetime out of your flooring options. 

5. Aesthetic and Acoustics

The look of your gym floors can significantly affect the overall ambiance of your facility. A well-chosen floor can enhance the aesthetic appeal and create an inviting environment that motivates athletes and gym goers. Furthermore, consider the acoustics of the space. Materials like rubber can help reduce noise — an important factor if your facility is in a multi-use building. 

The design choices with wooden basketball courts are only limited by your imagination

Looking for some inspiration on design? Here are twenty of the boldest court designs in college basketball.

6. Budgets: What to expect with Gym Floors

Finally, factor in your budget. The cost can vary widely based on the material, installation requirements, and ongoing maintenance. While it might be tempting to opt for the cheapest option, consider the long-term costs of repairs and replacements. Investing in high-quality gym floors can save you money down the line and add value to your facility. 


Choosing the right flooring for your gym or sports facility is a significant decision that affects the safety, functionality, and appeal of your space. By considering the intended use, material, safety, maintenance, aesthetics, and budget, you can select a flooring solution that meets the needs of your athletes and clients while also driving traffic to your site through enhanced SEO visibility. Remember, the best gym floors are those that can withstand the rigors of daily use and still look great year after year.